PeriAcryl® is a fast drying butyl cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive. It is an effective tissue adhesive which displays hemostatic properties and a bacteriostatic action.$$PERI2ML, PERIHV5ML, PERIUNIT PeriAcryl cyanoacrylate adhesive, dental wound closure, medical adhesive solutions, cyanoacrylate glue glustitch, ora-aid Explore PeriAcryl® high-quality cyanoacrylate adhesive. Ideal for dental and medical applications, PeriAcryl® ensures strong wound closure with fast adhesion.$$
NeoPlug™, NeoCote™ & NeoTape™ Resorbable Collagen wound dressings - Our Resorbable Wound Dressings are absorbent and porous collagen matrices engineered from purified collagen that is derived from bovine dermis tissue. (Boxes of 5)$$NEOCOTE, NEOPLUG, NEOTAPE wound dressings, wound care products, medical wound dressings, advanced wound care, wound management Ora-Aid Intraoral, heliplug, Discover high-quality wound dressings at HANSAmed. Explore our range of wound care products designed for effective management and healing.$$