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Barrier membrane | Allograft | Resorbable Amnion Chorion Allograft Membrane
Brand: Citagenix
SKU: NeomemXac
Part Number: NeomemXac
$89.95(Starting From)

Neomem® Xac | Amnion-chorion membrane composed of an amnion layer and a chorion layer

Neomem® Xac is an amnion-chorion membrane composed of an amnion layer and a chorion layer and together they provide a protective barrier that makes it ideal for multiple dental applications. It is minimally manipulated to preserve the placental allograft’s properties of being composed of immunoprivileged tissues¹ that possess antibacterial properties and provide a protein enriched matrix.² Neomem® Xac is disinfected, cleaned, dehydrated and sterilized after recovery from cesarean section procedures.


  • Socket Preservation 
  • GTR
  • GBR
  • Dental Implants
  • Sinus Augmentation
  • Ridge Augmentation
  • Endodontic Applications

Neomem® Xac | Amnion-chorion membrane composed of an amnion layer and a chorion layer

Neomem® Xac is an amnion-chorion membrane composed of an amnion layer and a chorion layer and together they provide a protective barrier that makes it ideal for multiple dental applications. It is minimally manipulated to preserve the placental allograft’s properties of being composed of immunoprivileged tissues¹ that possess antibacterial properties and provide a protein enriched matrix.² Neomem® Xac is disinfected, cleaned, dehydrated and sterilized after recovery from cesarean section procedures.


  • Socket Preservation 
  • GTR
  • GBR
  • Dental Implants
  • Sinus Augmentation
  • Ridge Augmentation
  • Endodontic Applications

No trimming necessary - Once in place, the membrane does not need to be trimmed in most cases. Neomem® Xac’s great adhesion allows it to be folded over itself and can safely touch adjacent tooth, root or implant surfaces.

May be placed up or down - During placement, orientation is not a factor as either side of Neomem® Xac can be placed towards the soft tissue or bone.

No fixation or pre-hydration necessary - Due to its great adhesion properties, no sutures or tacks are required to stabilize Neomem® Xac in place, it will rapidly rehydrate and adhere to the surgical site.

Can be left exposed - Non-Primary Closure is acceptable, Neomem® Xac may be left exposed to the oral environment.

Minimally invasive - No flap elevation is required, simply tuck Neomem® Xac under the gingival margin.

Neomem® Xac is available in membranes of:

  • 8 x 8 mm
  • 10 x 20 mm
  • 12 x 12 mm
  • 15 x 20 mm
  • 15 x 25 mm
  • 20 x 30 mm
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