
Neomem® FlexPlus

Barrier membrane | Xenograft | Resorbable Single layer collagen membrane derived from porcine peritoneum.
Brand: Citagenix
Part Number: NEOMEMFP

Neomem® FlexPlus | Native porcine peritoneum

Neomem® FlexPlus is a single layer collagen membrane derived from porcine peritoneum.
Suture pullout testing has shown this membrane to be biomechanically strong yet conformability evaluations demonstrate the ability to adapt to the contour of the surgical site. Neomem® FlexPlus hydrates quickly and handling characteristics make surgical placement easy. It can be repositioned easily and placed wet or dry and with either side up. Additionally, in vitro testing of Neomem® FlexPlus shows low tissue inflammation and foreign body giant cell response.


Compared to Bio-Gide®¹:

Neomem® FlexPlus has 3 times the suture pull out strength compared to Bio-Gide® and resorption time of 3-4 months. Neomem® FlexPlus can be repositioned once placed.

Lack of memory means that Neomem® FlexPlus drapes and conforms to the defect site and since both sides are the same, it is easy to place.

Longer Resorption Rate
Compared to Bio-Gide®, Neomem® FlexPlus’ animal in vivo resorption profile suggests that Neomem® FlexPlus is more stable.

Less Inflammation
In vivo pre-clinical testing demonstrates that Neomem® FlexPlus produced a lower level of early inflammation than Bio-Gide®, and Neomem® FlexPlus shows a lower level of giant cell response.

¹Li ST, Yuen D, Martin D, Shishido Lee N. 2015. A Comparative Study of a New Porcine Collagen Membrane to Bio-Gide®. Science, Technology, Innovation. Data on file.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Neomem® FlexPlus | Native porcine peritoneum

Neomem® FlexPlus is a single layer collagen membrane derived from porcine peritoneum.
Suture pullout testing has shown this membrane to be biomechanically strong yet conformability evaluations demonstrate the ability to adapt to the contour of the surgical site. Neomem® FlexPlus hydrates quickly and handling characteristics make surgical placement easy. It can be repositioned easily and placed wet or dry and with either side up. Additionally, in vitro testing of Neomem® FlexPlus shows low tissue inflammation and foreign body giant cell response.


Compared to Bio-Gide®¹:

Neomem® FlexPlus has 3 times the suture pull out strength compared to Bio-Gide® and resorption time of 3-4 months. Neomem® FlexPlus can be repositioned once placed.

Lack of memory means that Neomem® FlexPlus drapes and conforms to the defect site and since both sides are the same, it is easy to place.

Longer Resorption Rate
Compared to Bio-Gide®, Neomem® FlexPlus’ animal in vivo resorption profile suggests that Neomem® FlexPlus is more stable.

Less Inflammation
In vivo pre-clinical testing demonstrates that Neomem® FlexPlus produced a lower level of early inflammation than Bio-Gide®, and Neomem® FlexPlus shows a lower level of giant cell response.

¹Li ST, Yuen D, Martin D, Shishido Lee N. 2015. A Comparative Study of a New Porcine Collagen Membrane to Bio-Gide®. Science, Technology, Innovation. Data on file.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Neomem® FlexPlus | Features & benefits

  • High suture pull out strength
  • Excellent draping
  • Lower inflammation
  • 3-4 month resorption
  • Easy handling

Neomem® FlexPlus is available in membranes of:

  • 15x20 mm
  • 20x30 mm
  • 30x40 mm
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