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    Surgical Essentials

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    Wound Dressings

    NeoCote and NeoTape wound dressings only last between 1 and 2 weeks, which is not long enough to protect the bone graft. Depending on the acidity of the patient's saliva, NeoCote and NeoTape wound dressings can resorb even faster, leaving your bone graft exposed to tissue growth, bacteria and food. Neomem® and Neomem® FlexPlus membranes contain cross linked collagen fibres with the longevity to protect the bone graft long enough for new bone to replace the graft.

    NeoTape, NeoCote and NeoPlug usually resorb in 1 to 2 weeks. They are meant to be used as wound dressings, not as membranes (that take longer to resorb).

    Wound dressings (NeoTape, NeoCote, NeoPlug) are not meant to be used as membranes as they are too porous. They do not act as a barrier and are resorbed within 1 to 2 weeks.

    This will depend on the clinician, patient requirements and what they are trying to accomplish; some doctors will use them interchangeably. We recommend that NeoTape be used in the following procedures: covering a palatal donor site covering suture sites placing over burn sites as a soft cover The thin tape-like design helps in areas that require a more intricate procedural covering. We recommend that NeoCote be used in the following circumstances: covering Periodontal surgical wounds dealing with and covering oral ulcers, either non-infected or viral. Dealing with denture sores as a cover under the overriding denture, the thicker NeoCote, with its spongier shape, helps protect soft tissue better in some cases than NeoTape.

    Many articles have discussed the use of a collagen plug, such as NeoPlug, during ridge preservation procedures. The authors conclude that sufficient short term coverage and protection is achieved provided that there is sufficient thickness and quality of the buccal bone. Extraction sockets with good quality bony walls (typically referred to as a 5 walled socket) show the best results for collagen plug use. CAUTION As soon as any bony wall is compromised (thin or missing), then a membrane is recommended for long term protection and containment of the graft material such as Raptos Allograft particulates.

    One of the most common uses of NeoPlug is for molar extractions. You can insert one or more for hemostatic control. NeoTape and NeoCote are often used in palatal wounds or oral abscesses. They can also be used on top of a membrane as an external covering, on burns or periosteal defects.